
Responsible Gaming Principles

Responsible Gaming is the lottery sector's most critical element of Corporate Social Responsibility. As such, it is essential that WLA member lotteries not only grow their sales and returns to good causes but that they facilitate responsible play. In 2006, the WLA adopted the Responsible Gaming Principles and a Responsible Gaming Framework aimed at protecting lottery players around the world. This effort and commitment ensures not only that our public is protected but also that revenues are sustained for the public good. In this section you will find the Responsible Gaming Principles as well as all supporting documents for the Responsible Gaming Framework.


Doing the right thing for players and the broader community has made Corporate Social Responsibility, specifically the Responsible Gaming Principles and Framework, a priority for the World Lottery Association (WLA).

As state-controlled gaming operators, WLA members have always played a leadership role in addressing responsible gaming issues. In 2002, members asked the association to develop more specific requirements with respect to social responsibility in general and to responsible gaming in particular.

The response came in 2006 when the WLA formalized its practices in Corporate Social Responsibility by adopting Responsible Gaming Principles and a Responsible Gaming Framework aimed at protecting lottery players around the world.

This effort and commitment will ensure that our public is protected and revenues for the public good are sustained.

The Principles acknowledge that gaming operators play an important role in helping to prevent problem gambling, as do governments, regulators, treatment providers, researchers, community groups, and individuals who take part in games of chance.

By adopting the Principles, WLA members have "committed their vigilance in making responsible gaming an integral part of their daily operations. This pledge of support includes the encouragement of research initiatives and striving to achieve an appropriate balance between revenue, entertainment and customer expectations."

The seven Principles address areas of player protection, collaboration with other stakeholders, research, promotion, informed player choice, monitoring and reporting.

The Seven Responsible Gaming Principles


WLA Members are united in their commitment to foster the continuity of public order and the fight against illegal gambling as defined by governments in the each respective member jurisdiction. This commitment provides the background for the WLA Responsible Gaming Principles.

These Principles, using the WLA bylaws as a reference, have been developed as a result of the unanimous decision of the WLA Membership in Granada to develop a comprehensive set of standards related to social responsibility. Gaming responsibility is a pivotal element in each individual WLA Member’s ongoing commitment to this social responsibility and part of a proactive approach to the social impact of lotteries and other forms of gaming, including Sports Betting.

While the WLA Members, as gaming operators, play a central role in responsible gaming, there are a number of other stakeholders who play equally critical roles in this field, namely governments, regulators, treatment providers, researchers, community groups, individual players and their social networks. To effectively deal with issues of responsible gaming, a group effort is essential, and the principles in this document address the lottery industry’s relationship to these stakeholders.

In pledging their support for these principles, WLA Members commit their vigilance in making responsible gaming an integral part of their daily operations, including activities involving employees, patrons, retailers and other stakeholders. This pledge of support includes the encouragement of research initiatives and striving to achieve an appropriate balance between revenue, entertainment and customer expectations.

The Principles in this document should be not be construed as interference, or attempt to interfere with each respective governmental policy and the activities within their jurisdiction, but rather are meant to compliment relevant policies and activities within each jurisdiction.

Therefore, WLA Members hereby commit themselves, within the social, economic political, ethical and cultural context and legal framework of the respective jurisdictions in which the lotteries operate, to the following Responsible Gaming Principles:

  1. WLA Members will take reasonable and balanced measures to meet their objectives while protecting the interests of their customers and vulnerable groups; at the same time upholding their respective commitments to defend public order within their own jurisdiction.
  2. WLA Members will ensure their practices and procedures reflect a combination of government regulations, operator self-regulation and individual responsibility.
  3. WLA Members will develop their practices concerning responsible gaming-related issues on the fullest possible understanding of relevant information and analysis of documented research.
  4. WLA Members will work with stakeholders — including governments, nongovernmental organizations, regulators, researchers, public health professionals, and the general public — to share information, develop research and promote responsible gaming as broadly as possible, and encourage a better understanding of the social impact of gaming.
  5. WLA Members will promote only legal and responsible gaming in all aspects of their activities, including the development, sale and marketing of their products and activities; and will make reasonable efforts to ensure their agents do the same.
  6. WLA Members will provide the public with information in an accurate and balanced manner to enable individuals to make informed choices about gaming activities within the lotteries’ jurisdiction. This commitment requires the following:
    a. That the marketing of lottery activities and products be subject to reasonable operator self-regulation, and promote responsible gaming practices and informed choices.
    b. That individuals shall be provided with accurate information about gaming and the risks associated with it, for example, organizing education programs.
  7. WLA Members will make a reasonable effort to monitor, test, and revise as appropriate, those activities and practices related to responsible gaming. Their findings will be publicly reported.